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RFID Website Communications

RFID Website Communications

Kilcoy Global Foods has been endorsed by Federal Agriculture minister David Littleproud on behalf of the Federal Government for RFID Tracking system.

On Thursday, 22 April we were honored to host @The Hon. David Littleproud MP, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management and @Paul Scarr, Liberal National Senator for Queensland at the Plant. We had the chance to show them around our facilities and introduce them to our processes and innovation systems. This included our new state-of-the-art Radio Frequency Identification system (RFID), Tracking technology which will allow us to track our carcasses and primal cuts from feedlot to end-customer. The technology will reduce margin for error and the issues surrounding non-compliance in export markets.

WIN News Sunshine Coast aired a story on our new technology this week. To watch the full video of the interview – click here!